Construction is an industry where best safety practices save lives. At any time, on any day, approximately 6.5 million people are working at construction sites across the nation. The fatal injury rate for construction is higher than the national average in this category for all industries. The hazards include falls, trench collapse, scaffold collapse, electric shock, repetitive motion injuries, and many others. Although numerous safety guidelines that regulate the construction trade exist, there are a few additional safety steps that you can take as a manager at a construction site.
Every construction worker must be fully aware of the possible hazards that exist at a construction site. An ignorant worker is dangerous, and their mistakes can put everyone at risk. Understanding the dangers and staying alert is the best way for a worker to keep safe. Ensuring the safety of construction workers should be your number one priority. If a worker is unaware of construction site safety, they should not be allowed on the construction site.
Safety Training
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) offers publications to help you train your construction workers on standard safety practices. Media includes pamphlets, worksheets, training videos, and on-site training. The idea of the training sessions is to make sure that everyone who steps foot on a construction site is aware of safety measures. The actual practice of safety training on a construction site allows workers to practice safety skills in an environment where safety is paramount.
Effective communication is crucial to the success of any company, and in the construction industry, lives may depend on it. Discussion with all participants of the construction team can make a project move faster while keeping everyone informed. Consider using devices such as smartphones, walkie-talkies, and headsets to enhance communication while cutting down on possible surprises. Staying in the communication loop helps workers stay safe and avoid the unexpected.
Proper documentation is essential for enforcing construction site safety. All registrations and licenses must be in place before any work begins. Documentation can help to prevent accidents due to improper training as well as protecting your company from legal action. Also, consider documenting all work in the field using mobile technology, which can help to mitigate lawsuits.
To create a safe environment in construction, workers must have the proper equipment. A construction worker, no matter how experienced, will likely have an accident with improper equipment. Each piece of equipment should be suited for the task, and all machinery must be well maintained. Using proper construction equipment will give at least some measure of construction site safety.
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